
We all have some old clothes in our homes. They are out of fashion? NO WAY!!! Why not bring them to us and let us redesign a new piece that both fits your body shape and your actual needs? You will have a new piece of stylish clothes yet environmentally friendly! Let’s view the Before & After transformation of the clothing that customers have brought to us to give you some idea.

請客人帶備衣物, 預約來店舖資詢, 度身及報價, 本店以收到實物後之實際報價為準。

– 簡單修改, 製作時間約一星期便可完成。
– 較複雜之款式修改, 製作時間需兩星期或以上。
– 特急訂單需額外30%附加費
– 預約電話/WhatsApp: 63451905

***注意: 製作時間以店舖正常訂單量情況下計算, 如遇較多訂單期間, 製作時間將稍為延長, 請客人諒解。

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